
My personal musings about anything that gets on my radar screen--heavily dominated by politics.


More Ads That Write Themselves 

[Bring Ken Buck in to minimalist stage]

You've seen the ads--Michael Bennett and his out-of-state friends with very deep pockets attacking me in ways that local media have described as "misleading" and "deceptive."

And that's okay--I'm a big boy and I can take their smears. And you have to understand why they've taken that tactic: because they'll do anything to distract you from Michael Bennett's record as a Senator.

He doesn't want you to remember that even though you were clearly against it, he voted FOR a bailout of financial institutions; he doesn't want you to remember that even though you were clearly against it, he voted FOR the so-called "Stimulus Plan" that has failed to stem the tide of job losses all around the country; and he really doesn't want you to remember that even though you were against it, he cast the deciding vote that saddled Americans with a $1 trillion health care overhaul that is already starting to drive costs up and insurers out of business.

For a guy who claims that Washington is broken, he sure seems eager to give Washington all the money and power to solve all of YOUR problems.

I'll be a different kind of Senator. I agree that Washington is broken, which is why when I'm Senator I'll do everything in my power to cut it off from your pocketbook. I'll push for legislation that stimulates JOBS, not bureaucrats, and I'll stop the expansion of the federal government beyond the boundaries that the Constitution allows.

You see, I've learned something living and working in Colorado: when Americans are turned loose to exercise their ingenuity and realize their dreams through their industry, there is no problem too big for us to solve. And the less Washington intrudes on your life, the freer you will be to take care of the causes and people you care about in the manner that you see fit.

Together, we can restore this economy, create jobs, and put this country back on the road of financial stability. I hope you'll cast your ballot for me, Ken Buck, on November 2nd.

Thank you.

or something like that. . .

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