
My personal musings about anything that gets on my radar screen--heavily dominated by politics.


How To Argue This Point 

In a country of children, the person with the most lollipops is usually the most popular one in the room.

And that is the problem Republicans face in opposing Barack Obama--he has BY A LONG SHOT the most lollipops, and he has no problem with giving them away in the interest of buying some votes.

So how do you counter that?

I would submit, in a reiteration of what I said on the radio tonight, that the only way to argue that is this: whenever you bestow upon someone else the expectation that they will provide something for you, you give to them the power to take not just that, but whatever else you value. The more Obama wants to give to the people, the greater the expectation of govenment dependency, the more power the govenment arrogates to itself to eventually pay for it.

The problem is that it 1.) takes time for the flaws in the socialistic system to have a great impact. I just learned tonight that Canada started to assemble the parts of their health care system in the early 50s; in the 80s, it was a model system for the world to examine; by the late 80s it was starting to show signs of strain; and today it is a joke; and b.) if past is lesson, then the fact that the New Deal was abyssmal economically but still successful electorally should give Republicans pause. The desire to have the politicians "do something" is powerful, and it needs to be countered with solid arguments and reason.

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