
My personal musings about anything that gets on my radar screen--heavily dominated by politics.


Sen. Salazar on the Immigration Deal

released today:

“Today, we have finally reached broad agreement on immigration reform.

I have spent countless hours working with my Republican and Democratic colleagues to reach an agreement on a plan that first and foremost secures our borders.

“This bill secures our borders, has tough enforcement of our immigration laws on the border and in the interior, brings the 12 million undocumented workers in our Nation out of the shadows and creates a real immigration system for the future.

“This compromise includes an agreement on a guest worker program that will help our farmers, ranchers and businesses across Colorado and the Nation.

“While I still need to see the final language, today’s agreement is an important start in the process of moving this bill forward. This is a compromise that we can take to the floor process where I look forward to working with my colleagues to further improve it.”

Does anybody REALLY think the floor process is capable of improving this?? REAALLLY?!?!

It's all well and good that Salazar and others are touting the "strict enforcement" provisions, but when their first act is to renege on last years' promise and only build half the fence, it's hard to believe that any of their other useful provisions are likely to come through, either.

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