
My personal musings about anything that gets on my radar screen--heavily dominated by politics.


Too Busy To Be Original

so I'm going to link you to a couple of important articles from fellows.

Ben has done outstanding work--it is, after all, his job--analyzing Gov. Ritter's proposal to fund education in the state of Colorado. Read it--it's not just about education: it's an end-run around TABOR and a tax-and-spend boondoggle.

Rich is following some of the goings-on in the State Senate Education Committee; note that in killing the bill mentioned, two minority representatives of inner-city Denver voted FOR school choice. Worth noting.

Jim has dug up a wonderful quote from a founding father weighing the balance of comfort and freedom.

Bob is trying to keep the State GOP honest before we really know the whole playing field.

And, in case you missed a couple news items tonight:

Channel 9 News ran a ridiculous little puff piece on Gov. Ritter's first hundred days. Where's the bias? In "news" reporting like describing the Governor as "unapologetically thoughtful" when responding to criticism that he has not attempted to tackle the really hard issues so far. Or in omitting the REAL reason the Guv vetoed the Union Bill (GOP and blog pressure), instead letting a surrogate spin it (shows his "independence").

And this:

A University of Colorado junior has been arrested, and suspended from school, after allegedly making comments that sounded sympathetic to the Virginia Tech gunman.

Police arrested CU-Boulder student Max Karson on suspicion of interfering with staff, faculty or students of an educational institution.

Anybody else holding their breath waiting for the ACLU to come in and complain about the violation of this kid's Free Speech rights?

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