
My personal musings about anything that gets on my radar screen--heavily dominated by politics.


I Wish I Could Write Like This

Every once in a while Peggy Noonan turns a phrase that belongs in the writers' Hall of Fame. She pulls one of those out of her word processor this morning:

The great thing about Joe Biden during the Alito hearings, the reason he is, to me, actually endearing, is that as he speaks, as he goes on and on and spins his long statements, hypotheticals, and free associations--as he demonstrates yet again, as he did in the Roberts hearings and even the Thomas hearings, that he is incapable of staying on the river of a thought, and is constantly lured down tributaries from which he can never quite work his way back--you can see him batting the little paddles of his mind against the weeds, trying desperately to return to the river but not remembering where it is, or where it was going. I love him. He's human, like a garrulous uncle after a drink.

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